Today, dental implant is a popular procedure. Studies show that more and more people will choose to get implants as the years go by. When thinking of getting a dental implant it is wise to know what you are signing up for. This article will help you familiarize with the dental implant steps.
First, it would be best to have some background knowledge on the procedure. During a dental implant, the roots of your teeth will be replaced with metal posts. The posts offer anchorage for the artificial tooth. The type of surgery you will get will rely on the type of implant you want and the state of your jawbone. The fact is you may have to go through several procedures. With this, you can be confident that the bone in the affected area will properly heal. Do check out this service for dental implants.
The procedure begins by an initial assessment. When visiting the dentist, they will examine the jawbone's condition and thereby determine the right procedure. X-rays, impressions and matching the teeth color will ensure the implant looks natural. This is the best time to say how many teeth you need replacing. The doctor will like to know your medical conditions and if you are taking any drugs.
Tooth removal is the next step if you still have the tooth that should be replaced. It does not have to take long as it can be done together with the implant insertion. You will be informed of the anesthesia choices you can go for. Even though you will only experience little pain, you need to employ some measures. For instance, you should avoid blowing your nose and drinking through a straw.
Dental implant insertion and bone grafting is the next procedure. There is the option of getting the implant inserted. Or, directly under the gumline. For weak jawbones, an extra bone will be added. In such a case, the implant will only be done once the bone is healed. After the insertion of the implant, the jawbone will start growing around it. The process is expected to take 3 to 8 months. But this varies from one person to the other. You'll want to consider this product if you need help with dental implants.
After the stabilizing of the implant, you will book an appointment for abutment placement. The part will ensure the implant is well-connected to the crown. Since it has to be tightened, you might feel a little pressure. The piece is visible, so you have to know how you will mask it. They will also add a healing cap which will prevent the tissues and bone from overgrowing.
In the last appointment, the doctor will add a permanent crown. With such a choice, you will not be able to replace or clean as it is glued down. However, you still have the option of going for a removable implant. Get more information on dental implants here: